Today is the Tomorrow I Dreaded Yesterday
Room 215
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Bro. Lett (Governing Body) borrowed illustration from an outspoken WT critic
by fugue inwe're discussing this over on jwr:.
a jdub has posted a video of a talk that stephen lett, a member of the governing body, just gave at a special assembly day in iowa.
Room 215
The GB trade in eccentricities; they apparently believe it humanizes them; it's all affectation, style in lieu of substance.
Is this $h!t Written for Idiots?
by Yan Bibiyan inlike the warning given to.
it comes from god through.
"...they obeyed the warning that god had sent by means of angels".
Room 215
" the GRAND PREACHING WORK takes precedence over and above ALL things..." except, of course, a 10:00 am donut and coffee at the local Starbucks.
Cedar's 'Why The Watch Tower Society Is Already In Decline"
by Dogpatch inwhy the watch tower society is already in decline.
good article, cedars..
it's also on the front page of
Room 215
Here's a minority opinion of Knorr: Hardly a spiritual visionary, he was a pragmatist who harbored his own doubts about foundational doctines, notably 1914 --- Ray was on the money when he quoted NHK as syaing: "1914? I don't know; we'll wait and see," or something to that effect, lots of folks I know heard him voice such sentiments informally, in social settings; that's an attitude many, if not most of the Bethel family shared -- myself included.
He was, as Randy and others descirbed, mean-spirited and vindictive, but he was willing to overlook someone's misgivings about doctrine or chronology, etc. as long as they didn't publicize or promote them outside of Bethel's precincts, especially if he favored the person, or considered him of too much usefulness to sacrifice on the altar of orhodoxy.
His -- and Freddy's -- opposition to the Governing Body arrangement was also an open secret at Bethel -- he said more than once at the breakfast table, that the changeovert to the GB would occur "over my dead body;" prophetic words indeed.
1966 Book : Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God
by binadub insomewhat of a turning point occurred for me in 1966 when life everlasting in freedom of the sons of god book was released at the assemblies that year.
this you may know was the book that calculated 1975 would end 6000 years of humanity on earth possibly leaving the "thousand years" of revelation to complete the 7000-year "creative day.
" jehovah's witnesses jumped on this implication as "new light" with enormous enthusiasm.
Room 215
... In one way, this little excerpt shows how far we've progressed since those those pre-JWN days; were anything so outlandish to be published today, the WT writer would be taken to task - lampooned -- in a heartbeat -- on this forum and others.
Draconian Rules for Attending "Special Convention"
by BluesBrother inbritish dubs are invited to attend a special convention next summer in dublin , irish republic.
o k, this kind of trip has been done many times before.
however i have never seen such a crude and rigid set of rules that would apply to their own people going on a trip, at their own expense of course.
Room 215
And just who is this Anthony Morris and what distinguishes him from any other mannequin draped in a expensive suit, tie and fancy shoes? What qualifies him as a visionary spiritual leader? There's a pervasive odor emanating from this stinking pile of crap
are jw ashamed of the ot ?
by mP inwhenever i talk to a jw when i rarely see one i bri g up the laws in the ot, like raping of virgins in deut being ok and forced to marry the rapist.
it seems they just are not aware of these laws or any in depth the history or customs of the ancient jews.
is the wts ashamed of the ot and the truth about the jews ?.
Room 215
hardly.... they're neo-Judaizers... just check out Blondie's WT summaries and you'll see how often she points out their preference for employing OT over NT examples in their study articles.
Absurd WT Control in April 2012 KM
by LostGeneration inyeah in the section on attending the convention, you will find this gem:.
"therefore, we should give attention to our dress and grooming while in the convention city, including when we check in at the hotel.
arriving in shorts and a t-shirt would not reflect dignity.".
Room 215
Remember how they used to love to parade around their African and other distinctly ethnically diverse delegates in traditional native dress at the large conventions (The 1958 Yankee Stadium, for example)?
What's the JW reaction to new 16 page mags????
by diamondiiz inif you've been to the meeting when the letter was read, what was jw reaction????
just curious if it was just another sign that the end is nearer or did any wake up for a second to realize the corporation is downsizing due to costs..
Room 215
The letter spun the change as a corollary to their increased focus on the internet and redesigned website as an outlet for dissemination of their message. They may well come to regret their shepherding the rank and file toward the worldwide web.
Room 215
How long will it take for that congreation to get a slap-down from the London Bethel?